
found this on tumblr

i'm about to make this my avatar for everything 

                           ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥




1. The fact of being required or indispensable: "the necessity for law and order".
2. Unavoidability: "the necessity of growing old
  • A state of things or circumstances enforcing a certain course
    • created more by necessity than design
  • An indispensable thing
    • a good book is a necessity when traveling
  • The principle according to which something must be so, by virtue either of logic or of natural law
  • A condition that cannot be otherwise, or a statement asserting this

Mix for today ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ten tracks including music by Bright EyesGlitter Penis and MGMT.


update on kushiels dart artwork

and yes that is a mini at at walker trapped inside glass serving dish..
 kindof like an at-at fishbowl exhibit if you will  lolz 


Commission's for foxwax

this is work for a big piece that will eventually be turned into a chest torso tattoo piece~

heres a sample example on what i plan to do and to add all the existing characters together.
i still have to draw in some bodies etc.. i did this with only my mousepad on my laptop..wish i had a waccom tablet. i plan to paint this on 20 x 16 strathemore paper with oils.